Tuesday 26 August 2014

How to Embed File in Blog

  • Upload in drive.google.com
  • Right click on the uploaded document-kongsi-awam di web
  • Right click on the uploaded document-buka dengan-pemapar google drive
  • Akan keluar tab window baru utk pemapar google drive
  • Go to file-benamkan pautan
  • Akan keluar embedded code
  • Click copy
  • Paste dalam blogspot create new post (make sure click button html not button compose)
  • Change the code example
<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B43YsvSCqnNsUkFhZmZYd2cyMVE/preview" width="640" height="480"></iframe>


<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B43YsvSCqnNsUkFhZmZYd2cyMVE/preview" width="600" height="700"></iframe>

Untuk selaraskan dengan kebesaran blog display

PS: it is advice to upload file in pdf because pdf will make the file to be unchanged. So no misalign word or picture. It will always kept like original. Change word file to pdf can be done in save as menu in the word file toolbar. But need to remember to save the math equation in pdf will have prob if the windows version is lower (if window xp below service pack 3). Windows cannot support the coverted file causing missing equation and etc. so always recheck once convert. Good luckJ

Sunday 16 March 2014

Otak dan Hati Fighting

"Whats worth fight"

Otak: But what do you want and what to fight for?
Hati: Clear the path and clear the mind.You will find the answer.

Otak: But how if the path is related with time and opportunity?
Hati: Then wait until its come. Nobody could take what is destine for you.

Otak: But if its not coming?
Hati: Meaning it doesnt meant for you. There is surely something beter.

Otak: But how could i know?
Hati: Left the past..Look up for future.. Live the PRESENT..and SMILE:)

The power for the believer

Friday 10 January 2014

How to Write a Paper

  • The words used is easier to be understood  and error free grammar
  • The arrangement of topic is in order. 
  • Continuous sequence of story making reader addicted to keep reading
  • Have good literature review based on previous method that relates to the title
  • Have mathematical model explaining the method proposed
  • The parameter for simulation purposed is enough
  • The simulation figure is clean and clear
  • Good discussion that explaining the figure well
  • The conclusion proving that the objectives is obtained