Sunday, 26 November 2017

Public Gold Ultimate Wealth Protector

  • Produk Public Gold:
    • Emas fizikal bar (0.5g, 1gm, 5 gm, 10gm, 20gm, 50gm, 200gm, 250gm dan 1kg)
    • Emas fizikal dinar (0.5 dinar, 1 dinar, 5 dinar dan 10dinar) 
    • Perak fizikal (10 dirham, 250gm, 500gm, 1kg dan 5kg)
    • Tabungan emas dan perak bermodal serendah 100 (akaun GAP atau SAP) 
    • Emas perhiasan Aurora Italia 
    • Online shop PGmall (
  • Tiada GST dikenakan untuk semua emas atau perak yang berstatus LBMA
  • Emas dan perak fizikal boleh diambil di cawangan public gold atau di pejabat pos Arrahnu berdekatan
  • Urusniaga online 24 jam 365 hari  (
  • Boleh di jadikan hadiah untuk perkahwinan, kelahiran, hari jadi dan penghargaan.

PG code: PG00082111

Friday, 4 August 2017

Cara semak akaun PTPTN online

  1. Pergi ke laman web
  2. Klik pada icon semak penyata pinjaman
  3. Isikan no kad pengenalan dan klik pada penyata kira-kira pinjaman konvensional
  4. Isikan no kad pengenalan dan no pinjaman (call ptptn di talian 0321933000 untuk mendapatkan no pinjaman)
  5. Maka keluarlah penyata yang tetera maklumat peribadi dan jumlah pinjaman terkini
  6. Untuk melihat akaun setiap bulan mengikut tahun, skroll kebawah dan klik ‘lihat terperinci’
  7. Pilih penyata bagi tahun yg di ingini dan senyum..

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Permohonan membayar PTPTN menggunakan KWSP akaun 2

Tidak perlu pergi ke PTPTN. Permohonan secara online melalui i-akaun dan hanya perlu ke cawangan KWSP sekali sahaja untuk pengesahan ibu jari. Maklumat yang diperlukan untuk permohonan online adalah tarikh mula belajar, tarikh tamat belajar dan nombor matrik
  1. Log in ke I-akaun KWSP 
  2. Di bawah TAB withdrawal pilih e-pengeluaran dan click button new application.
  3. Untuk withdrawal type, pilih education.
  4. Isikan maklumat yang diperlukan seperti di bawah dan nyatakan tarikh mula dan habis belajar.
  5. Pergi ke TAB seterusnya dan isikan maklumat peribadi. Student reference number isikan no matrik atau pun no loan.
  6. KWSP akan menghantar meseg mengatakan permohonan sedang diproses dan pemberitahuan tarikh untuk sah kan cap ibu jari dan bawa dokumen ke KWSP.
  7. Pergi ke KWSP yang berdekatan dengan membawa transkrip dan sijil diploma atau degree (original dan Salinan)
  8. Dapat surat dari KWSP mengatakan permohonan diluluskan.

Sunday, 12 March 2017

How to crochet a simple kopiah

《1st round》
♡4 chain
♡Slip stich into 1st chain
《2nd round》
♡chain 3, 11 dc into the loop and slip stich=12 dc stich
《3rd round》
♡chain 3, 2dc in each stich and slip stich (skip the stich b4 the previous loop chain or skip the last stich)=24dc
《4th round》
♡chain 3, 2 dc in next stich, 1 dc in next stich, repeat 2 dc and 1 dc untill end of stich and slip stich (skip the last stich)
《5th round》
♡chain 3, 2 dc, 1dc, 1dc and repeat.end slip stich (skip the last stich)
《6th round》
♡chain 3, 2dc, 1dc, 1dc, 1dc and repeat. end slip stich ( skip the last stich)

♡do the increment of 1dc on each round untill the flat area on the head of wearer is enough
♡Once the increment stop, start with 1 dc in each stich.naturally it will curved down creating the kopiah shape.

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Transistor as Switch

1. The objective is to turn on the LED. So we have to start with the forward voltage drop across the LED. Forward voltage is a term that will come up a lot when working with LEDs. This number will help you decide how much voltage your circuit will need to supply to the LED. If you have more than one LED connected to a single power source, these numbers are really important because the forward voltage of all of the LEDs added together can’t exceed the supply voltage.

2. LED only can function at Vf 1.9V to 2.6V. Maximum power rated for LED is (Pmax=100mW). Some datasheet is even helpful enough to suggest a stable current rangeusually 16-18mA. The maximum current through LED, IC is should be not more than:
Pmax=IC X V
IC=Pmax/V; let say the voltage for the LED is 2V
ICmax= 0.125A

So we know that the LED will broken if ICmax=0.125A.

3. Check the transistor 2N3904 datasheet. PD max= 625mW. Ic max=200mA, hfe(beta)=100-300, VBE sat=0.65V-0.85V, VCE sat=0.2V. But for most transistor generally we can use VBE=0.7V and VCE=0V.

4. Make first assumption which is the value of IC to turn the LED on. IC surely must be lower than IC max of the transistor to ensure the transistor not blowing up. Let IC=15mA and Vcc=9V.

5. Then calculate the value of RC to limit the current flowing through collector to 15mA.

6. To make sure the resistor not broken power dissipation of resistor has to be lower than maximum power rating of the resistor.

P=IV=(VCC-VLED-VCE)xIC=(9-2)(15mA)=0.105W; whereby VCE=0V

7. To require IC of 15mA to flow through the collector, we must provide the sufficient base current, IB. According to datasheet min hfe=100, so required transistor base terminal to drive LED ON is:
IC=hfe X IB

8. Calculate the value of RB to limit IB. If you really want to drive the transistor into its fully saturate mode the value of RB must be lower than:



  • Not sufficient amount of IC running through LED because of IB is not sufficient. IB might be equal to 0 or not achieve the min IB required to drive min IC required to turn the LED ON. Usually in cut off state it said that IB=0A.
  • Transistor is blow up: Because the IC driving through the transistor exceeding the maximum power rating of transistor. Since IB is too large driving IC to be too large until exceeding Pmax.
  • Resistor blow up: because current through resistor consuming power more than power rating of the resistor.